Class 7. WFLS. Am I too late to say it’s just like a dream come true?
Quite frankly, military training is tiring. I’ve been told a million times about how exhausted I would be as soon as I finished this grueling training, and I don’t have any objection about that. However, now, I’ve got an Yes and No! I mean, physically,Yes, I have sun-tanned skin right now and for the first time I loathe being under the sun. Not to mention my sore legs and back. But this is just the heads of the coin. Tails, which means mentally, No! My inability to find proper words to express my feelings seems more and more overwhelming. Incredible? Unbelievable? Marvellous? Extremely impeccable maybe? These words are pale in comparison to the big picture of my future life. It’s like unwittingly, you fall in love with a new group of people, you feel for everything, you fall for everything.
I don’t know if I am being sensitive here. I remember us sprint out the door to assemble because we are running late. I remember us complaining about the miserable food when it’s time for lunch. I remember us sitting weirdly comfortable in a cool dark place when other classes were sweating. I remember us sharing jaw-dropping details about our lives and feel connected to others. I remember all those moments of rapture and ecstasy, all those senses of déjà vu, all those smiles of genuine happiness.
It’s like suddenly, I am no longer a prosaic girl living a plain life. It’s been a long time since the last time I didn’t regard myself as a catastrophe. As a lonely highway.The strong hope for the future made me the girl on fire. As I spoke with some friends of my pastimes and passions, words of such silky texture poured out from my soul with unparalleled candor and cadence. The voice that issued from my lips was at once richer, deeper, stronger than I had ever produced. It was as though an inner self, a core essence, had broken free and taken control. I broke out of my niche!
Anyway, I shouldn’t be too excited because it’s just five days. Even though I have already found some friends with extraordinarily similar interests as I do. Even though this is breaking news for me because I enjoyed be in this together finally. Even though the words of encouragements faded, I still recall them from time to time to taste it all over again. I swear I’m not severed from reality. Momentarily, it’s just impossible to describe all the details that happened during 5 days. I just need to speak all these things about how delighted I am to be in this class and try to be in tranquility…
I am a relatively total stranger to my new school. But it’s such a sensory bombardment for me even to think about it. I wanna be a part of something I don’t know. A fledging dragonfly is ready. I believe that the monarch will be crowned. May the best man win! You are gonna hear Class 7 ROAR!
Ps. I’d better start packing…
1、 军训锻炼人铁的体魄,磨练人钢的意志。
2、 没流泪,是因为我们坚强了。
3、 军训很辛苦,教官太冷酷,我很心痛。
4、 军训是地狱,但是是那种让人去了还想去的地狱。
5、 没有经历地狱的磨练,无法有战胜死亡的力量;没有流过血的脚趾,不能迈向胜利的前方。
6、 苦不苦,想想长征二万五;累不累,比比革命老前辈。
7、 宁可流血,也不言退。
8、 怕苦怕累就不是一个好学员。
9、 钢铁意志在军营中磨炼。
10、 军训是地狱,但是是那种让人去了还想去的地狱。
11、 微笑面队每一次即将到来的挑战。
12、 不怕苦,不怕累,争做优秀小标兵。
13、 敢于挑战,永不言退。
14、 军训,可以增强体质,磨练意志。
15、 感受军队气氛,体验军人风格。
16、 钢铁意志在军营中磨炼。
17、 痛苦中磨练意志,严谨中铸造坚韧!
18、 读书可以增长知识,军训可以增强体魄。
19、 掉皮,不算什么!掉肉,算不了什么!
20、 真正了不起的是汗水换来的整齐!
21、 流血,不算什么!流汗,算不了什么!
22、 真正了不起的'是努力换来的成功!
23、 在军营中,只有是,没有不。
24、 坚持,就是能耐。努力,便能胜利。
25、 把汗水和泪水抛在脑后,让意志力永存。
26、 吃苦,是磨练自己的良药。
27、 军训,可以增强体质,磨练意志。
28、 严于律己,学会自强,勤奋刻苦,报效祖国。
29、 敢于挑战,永不言退。
30、 一切行动听指挥,步调一致得胜利。
31、 军训给我插上了一双有力的翅膀,让我飞的更高,更远。
32、 刻苦训练树新风,艰苦磨练强意志。
33、 真正的军人是汗水洗出来的。
34、 努力造就一个人。
35、 严谨造就一个军人。
36、 努力,认真,严谨造就一个成功的人。
37、 努力努力再努力,坚持坚持再坚持。
38、 我们是一棵颗小树,军训是一把把锯子,它除掉我们的斜枝,使我们茁壮成长。
39、 军训锻炼人铁的体魄,磨练人钢的意志。
40、 流汗,是因为我们努力了。
41、 没流泪,是因为我们坚强了。
42、 怕苦怕累就不是一个好学员。
43、 坚持到最后才能成功。
44、 只有争光的权利,没有抹黑的义务。
45、 训练多流汗,战场少流血。
46、 军训的日子最精彩。
47、 军训,会使我们快速成长——因为酸甜苦辣在这里尝遍。
48、 军训是记忆中美好的回忆。
49、 军训,会使我们充实独立——因为训练的热让我们放下离家的孤独
50、 在挥汗如雨的日子里,更需要努力和认真。
51、 经历军训生涯,练就钢铁筋骨。
In the golden September, we bid farewell to the junior school and go to our dreaming senior school for further study. According to annual practice, new students have to take part in strict but challenging military training, aiming to develop the hard-working style of life and a sense of respecting for teacher and discipline. During this period, the students not only have to study military knowledge, but also develop their own soldier-like willpower. In other words, its a real challenge to physical strength as well as to willpower. In addition, the house clean is also included in the training context, which will help students to be independent in school. In short, military training is a challenging task, but its helpful as well.