
时间: 2022-11-24 句子 我要投稿 人气:


1. 重点句型

1). It’s adj for sb to do 做…对某人来说…

2). … so … that … 如此… 以至于… … too … to do 太… 而不能…

such … that … 如此… 以至于…

3). not…until… 直到…才… 例: I didn’t go to bed until my mother came back.

4).The reason why + 句子 is that + 句子 … 的原因是…

The reason why he got angry was that she told him a lie. ( 他生气的`原因是她对他说了谎。)

5). That is why + 句子 那是…的原因

6). That is because + 句子 那是因为…

7). It is said that + 句子 据说…

It is reported that + 句子 据报道…

8). There is no doubt that + 句子 毫无疑问…

9). It goes without saying that + 句子 不言而喻,毫无疑问

10). There is no need to do 没必要做…

11). There is no point in doing 做某事毫无意义

12. as is known to all, +句子 众所周知

as we all know, +句子 据我们所知

it is generally/ publicly known / considered that…, 众所周知

2. 提建议

had better (not) do 最好(不)做

how about / what about doing …怎么样?

I think you should do 我认为你应该…

I suggest / advice that you should do 我建议你做…

If I were you, I would do… 我要是你的话,我会做…

It’s best to do 最好做…

Why not do / why don’t you do…? 为什么不…

3. 表示喜欢和感兴趣

like / love doing

enjoy doing

be fond of doing 喜欢做…

be keen on n/doing 喜欢做…

prefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做A也不愿做B

be interested in doing = show/ take great interest in n / doing

4. .努力做…

try to do努力做…

strive to do 努力做…

try one’s best to do = do one’s best to do 竭尽全力做…

make efforts to do = make every effort to do 尽力做…

do what sb can (do ) to do 尽力做…

spare no effort to do 不遗余力的做…

do what / everything sb. can to do 尽某人全力做…

5. 打算做… / 计划做…

intend / plan to do 打算做…

be going to do 打算做…

decide to do 决定做…

determine to do决定做…

be determined to do决定做…

make up one’s mind to do 下定决心做…

6. 表示想/希望

want to do

= would like to do 想做…

hope to do 希望做…

expect to do 期待着做…

wish to do 希望做…

consider doing 考虑做…

7. 只加doing 作宾语的动词

finish 完成/ practice 练习 / suggest建议 / consider 考虑 / mind 介意 / enjoy 喜欢doing


look forward to doing 盼望做…

keep on doing 坚持做…

dream of doing 梦想做…

can’t help doing 情不自禁地做…

keep / stop / prevent sb. from doing 阻止某人做…

be busy (in ) doing be busy with + 名词 忙于做…

spend time / money (in )doing spend time / money on + 名词 花费时间做…

have fun / have a good time / enjoy oneself doing 玩得开心

have trouble / have problem / have difficulty (in) doing 或 with + 名词 做…有困难

1.According to···依据/根据······

2.Am I allowed to···我可以······吗?

3.As far as I am concerned······就我而言·····

4.As matter of fact,```···实际上···

5.As far as I know```······据我说知······

6.As I just mentioned```正如我刚才所提到的

7.As I see it,```在我看来

8.As ··· as possible``` 尽可能···

9.As is known to us all 众所周知

10As long as只要

11.But for若不是因为

12.Can you believe(that)```你相信吗

13.Can you imagine```你能想像···吗

14.Could you please explain```你能解释一下吗

15Can't we```难道我们不能···吗

16.Could you do me a favor and```能否请你帮我一个忙

17.Do you by any chance know你知道···吗

18.Do you enjoy doing你喜欢···(做事)吗

19.Do you happen to kow你知道···吗

20.Do you have any good ways to 你有没有···的好办法

21.Did you know that你知道··吗

22.Do you know if/whether你知道是否

23.Do/Would you mind doing如果···你是否介意

24.Do you realize(that)你有没有意识到

25.Do you think it is possible to 你认为···可能吗

26.Do you think it is necessary to 你认为···有必要吗

27.```doesn't make sense没有道理/没有意思/不清楚

28.Don't be afraid of不要害怕

29.Don't take it for granted that别把```当成理所当然

30.Don't wast time doing不要浪费时间````(做事)

31.Don't you think that```难道你不觉得````吗

32.Excuse me for请原谅我``

33.For one thing```For another```一方面```另一方面```

34.From my point of view在我看来```

35.From where I stand 从我的立场来说```

36.Generally speaking总的来说

37.Hardly``` when```一```就```(倒装句型)

38.Have you considered doing 你有没有考虑过```(做事)

39.Have you decided 你决定好了吗

40.Have you ever been to 你曾去过···吗

41.Have you thought about /of你有没有想过

42.Haven't you heard of难道你没有听过···吗

43.How are you getting on/along with···进展如何/与···相处如何

44.How are you going to你打算如何45.How does```sound(听起来)怎么样

46.How long will it take you to```···要用多长时间

47.How should I 我该如何

48.I absolutely agree with我完全同意

49.I am grateful for 我对···特别感激

50.I am planning to 我打算

51.I am very pleased to have this opportunity to```我很高兴有机会

52.I apologize for我为···道歉

53.I believe (that) 我相信

54.I believe we should我认为我们应该

55.I can't imagine我无法想像

56.I can't stand it when我受不了···

57.I didn't expect to 我没想到···

58.I didn't mean to我不是有意···

59.I (don't ) fell like 我(不)想···

60.I don't get very excited about我对···不怎么感兴趣

61.I don't know how to 我不知道如何···

62.I don't see( that)我看不出···我认为 ···不···

63.I an dying to我渴望···我盼望···

64.I am fed up of 我厌烦了···我受够了

65.I am sick and tired of 我对···感到厌烦

66.I hate to disagree with you, but```我不想跟你有不同意见,但是···

67.I have confidence in 我相信···我对···有信心

68.I have nothing to do with ····跟我无关

69.I insist that```我坚决要···

70.I insist on doing 我坚持

71.I intend to 我打算

72. I set my mind to do something/on something.我下定决心

73.I strongly advise you to 我强烈建议你···

74.I want to express my gratitude to 我要感谢

75.I would appreciate it if 如果···,我会非常感激

76.It gose without saying that 理应如此/不言而喻···

77.It occurred to me that``` ···浮现于我的脑海中;我想起··

78.It won't do any harm to``` ···没有任何坏处···

79.It helps if```如果···的话,将会(对某人)有好处

80.It's long been my dream to ···一直是我的梦想


1. As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. 就我而言,在某种程度上我同意后者的观点。

2.As far as I am concerned, I am really/completely in favor of the test/policy. 就我而言,我真的/完全支持这场测试/这个政策。

3. In conclusion/a word, I believe that… 总之,我相信......

4. There is some truth in both arguments, but I think the disadvantages of…outweigh its advantages.这两种观点都有一定的道理,但我认为……的缺点超过了它的优点。

5. In my opinion/view, we should... 在我看来,我们应该......

6. As for me, I… 至于我,我......

7. As I see it, … 正如我看到的,......

8. From my point of view, …. 在我看来,......

9. Personally, I think… 我个人认为......

10. My view is that… 我的观点是......

11. I think/consider… 我认为/考虑......

12. I take/hold a negative/positive view of… 我对......采取/保持消极的/积极的看法。


13. There are several reasons for…, but in general, they come down to three major ones... 有一些原因,但总的来说,归结为三大原因。

14. There are many factors that may account for…, but the following are the most typical ones. 有很多因素可以解释...…,但以下是最典型的因素。

15. Many ways can contribute to solving this problem, but the following ones may be most effective. 许多方法可以有助于解决这个问题,但以下的可能是最有效的。

16. Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows. 一般而言,优势可以列举如下。

17. The reasons are as follows. 其原因如下。


18. Because/Since we read the book, we have learned a lot. 因为我们读了这本书,我们学到了很多。

19. If we read the book, we will learn a lot. 如果我们读这本书,我们就会学到很多。

20. We read the book; as a result / therefore / thus / hence / consequently / for this reason / because of this, we’ve learned a lot. 我们读了这本书,因此/因为这个原因/,因为这,我们学到了很多。

21. As a result of /Because of/Due to/Owing to reading the book, we’ve learned a lot. 由于读了这本书,我们学到了很多。

22. The cause of/reason for/overweight is eating too much. 超重的原因是吃太多了。

23. Overweight is caused by/due to/because of eating too much. 超重是由于吃得太多而引起的。

24. The effect/consequence/result of eating too much is overweight. 吃太多的影响/结果是超重。

25. Eating too much causes/results in/leads to overweight. 吃太多导致/导致超重


26. Here is one more example. 这里还有一个例子。

27. Take … for example. 以……为例。

28. The same is true of… ......同样是真实的。

29. This offers a typical instance of... 这提供了一个关于......典型的实例。

30. We may quote a common example of… 我们可以引用一个关于......共同的例子。

31. Just think of… 仅仅想到想到......


32. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that… 通过上面的讨论,我们可以得出结论......

33. Taking into account all the factors, we may safely come to the conclusion that… 考虑到所有的因素,我们可以得出结论......

34. Judging from all the evidence offered, we may safely arrive at/reach the conclusion that… 从所提供的所有证据来看,我们可以得出结论......

35. All the evidence supports a sound conclusion that… 所有的证据都支持可靠的结论......

36. From what is mentioned above, we may come to the conclusion that… 从上面提到的,我们可以得出这样的结论......

37. To sum up/draw a conclusion, we find that… 为了总结/得出结论,我们发现......

38. In short/brief/a word/conclusion/sum/, it is… 简而言之/总之,这是......

39. Therefore/Thus/Then, it can be inferred/concluded/deduced that... 因此,可以推断出......

40. From/Through/According to what has been discussed above, we can come to/reach/arrive at/draw the conclusion that…. 从/通过/根据上面的讨论,我们可以得出结论……

41. It is believed that… 被认为......


42. It is a fact that… .…..是一个事实

43. It is well-known that… 众所周知……

44.There is no doubt that… 毫无疑问……

45. I think that... 我认为......

46. Contrary to the popular thought, I prefer… 与流行的想法相反,我更喜欢......

47. Some people say/believe/claim that… 有人说/相信/声称......

48. It is generally believed that… 人们普遍认为......

49. It is widely accepted that… ......是被广泛接受的

50. It is argued/held that… 有人认为......

51. While it is commonly believed that…, I believe… 虽然人们普遍认为……,我相信......

52. It can be concluded that... 可以得出结论......

53. People’s views vary from person to person. 人们的观点因人而异。


54. The table/diagram/bar chart/pie graph/tree diagram/curve graph /column chart shows/illustrates/reveals/describes/depicts/reflects that/how… ......表显示出/ 反映出......

55. The graph provides some interesting data regarding… 这张图表提供了一些关于......的有趣的数据。

56. The data/statistics/figures can be interpreted as follows. 数据/统计/数据可以解释如下。

57. The data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that… 数据/统计/数据使我们得出这样的结论。

58. As is shown/demonstrated/exhibited in the diagram/graph/chart/table, … 如图/图表/表格中所示/显示/展示,......

59. It is clear/apparent from the table/chart/diagram/figures that… 从表/图/图中看......是清楚的/明显的。

60. The vertical/horizontal axis stands for… 垂直/水平轴代表......

61. There was rapid/noticeable/great/sharp/steep/remarkable/slow/slight/gradual rise/increase/decrease/fall/decline/drop/change in development in … 在......的发展中有迅速/明显/大/急剧/显著/缓慢//轻微/逐渐的上升/增加/减少/下降/下降/下降/变化。

62. The percentage remained steady/stable. 百分比保持你定。

63. The figures stayed the same. 这些数字保持不变。

64. The figures bottomed out/peaked at… 这些数字在......降到最低/升到最高。

65. The figures reached the bottom/a peak/a plateau during… 这些数字在......期间降到最低/达到顶峰/处于稳定水平。