never give up 永不放弃
i believe i can do something to make the world a better place
go all out to do everything我相信我可以做一件让世界变得更美好 全力以赴,尽一切
IF you don`t ever take chances, you won`t reachthe rainbows.(不抓住机会 怎能见彩虹)
If you don`t ever search, you`ll never be able to find.(不去寻找 怎能有发现)
IF you don`t attempt to get over your doubts and fears, you`ll never discover howwonderful it is to live without them. (不尝试打消疑问和恐惧 怎能知道无忧无虑地生活是多么的精彩.)
If you don`t go beyonddifficulty, you won`t grow any stronger.(不克服困难 怎能变得强大)
IF you don`t keep your dreams alive, you won`t have your dreams any longer. (不让梦想燃烧 怎能让梦想永存)
1.有志者,事竟成.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.春是挑战的欲望而不是安逸的生活。即使年过花甲,仍壮心不已.没有人痴长百岁,而伴随着的是我们抛却幻想,锤炼生活的经历。岁月让我们的皮肤起了皱纹,但缺乏激情会让我们的灵魂萎缩。焦虑、恐惧、缺乏自信则让心稽首,更让心灵的青春尘封
中国一向崇尚谦虚的美德,所以有的演讲者往往自谦地说:“我没有什么口才”、“献丑了”之类的话,这在西方人看来觉得虚假多余:确实有演说能力为什么要讲没有口才?如果真是没有口才又何必再站出来献丑?所以价值道德观的不同,说话的语气态度也不一样。在中文演讲时常可以听到“我们应该”“我们一定要”“我们必须”之类的说法,这在英文中是越来越被冷落了。因为人们厌烦管教式的口吻,越是说“必须”“一定要”越会造成逆反心理。再者听众会怀疑演讲者没有真凭实据,只会空喊口号,缺乏可信度。所以在英文中即使是说服性的演讲都很少用“We should”“We must”??
幸福的定义英文作文 篇1
When I was small, my parents always told me that I must study hard, so that I would make a lot of money and could live a happy life. To my parents, they think happiness means the bright future and money. But now as I grow up, I keep thinking about what is happiness, my recognition about happiness is very different from my parents’.
In my eye, the meaning of happiness is very simple, it could be the small things which makes me satisfied. When I make programs in my study, I make my goal come true, I am so proud of myself, it is a happy moment for me. When I stay with my family, I talk to them and they are willing to listen to my words, we communicate happily, I am so happy about it. Well, happiness is such easy for me to touch, because I am so easy to be satisfied.
If people tell me that they don’t feel happy, I would say that they want too many things and never satisfied with the things they have. The true happiness is to have less desire.
幸福的定义英文作文 篇2
Recently, CCTV journalists have approached pedestrians with their cameras, held a microphone to their mouth and asked a simple question: “Are you happy?”
The question has caught many interviewees off guard. Even Mo Yan, who recently won a Nobel Prize, responded by saying: “I don’t know”.
While the question has become a buzz phrase and the Internet plays host to heated discussions, we ask: What exactly is happiness? And how do you measure it?
In the 1776 US Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson set in writing the people’s unalienable right to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. Last year, 235 years on, China’s Premier Wen Jiabao told the nation: “Everything we do is aimed at letting people live more happily.” At last year’s National People’s Congress, officials agreed that increasing happiness would be a top target for the 12th five-year plan.
US psychologist Ed Diener, author of Happiness: Unlocking the Mysteries of Psychological Wealth, describes happiness as “a combination of life satisfaction and having more positive than negative emotions”, according to US broadcasting network PBS. This may sound straightforward enough, but it still doesn’t explain what determines people’s happiness.
Many argue that happiness is elusive and that there is no single source. It also means different things to different people. For some, happiness can be as simple as having enough cash to buy a new bicycle; for others, it’s about socializing or finding the perfect spouse.
Researchers believe happiness can be separated into two types: daily experiences of hedonic well-being; and evaluative well-being, the way people think about their lives as a whole. The former refers to the quality of living, whereas the latter is about overall happiness, including life goals and achievements. Happiness can cross both dimensions.
Li Jun, a psychologist and mental therapy practitioner at a Beijing clinic, says: “Happiness can mean both the most basic human satisfaction or the highest level of spiritual pursuit. It’s a simple yet profound topic.”
Chen Shangyuan, 21, a junior English major at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, said his idea of happiness always evolves. “At present it relates to how productive I am in a day,” he said. “It might be linked to job security or leisure time after I graduate.”
Then there is the question of measuring happiness. Does it depend on how many friends we have, or whether we own the latest smartphone? Is it even quantifiable?
Economists are trying to measure happiness in people’s lives. Since 1972, Bhutan’s GDP measurement has been replaced by a Gross National Happiness index. It is calculated according to the peoples’ sense of being well-governed, their relationship with the environment, their satisfaction with economic development, and their sense of national belonging.
In 2009, US economist Joseph Stiglitz proposed “to shift emphasis from measuring economic production to measuring people’s well-being”. But is well-being more easily measured?
幸福的定义英文作文 篇3
Happiness is a hard thing to define.
It can be a profit in the eyes of bosses or a fashion for fashion followers. It can be a mothers expectation of waiting for her children to return home, or a commitment between lovers. It can be the light of a scientists glory, or the joy of an explorers wading to his destination.
Happiness is different for everyone.
But what is happiness?
A sentence on the Internet said: "happiness is that cats eat fish, dogs eat meat, Altman beat little monsters." A lot of people are laughing.
But perhaps this is happiness, the happiness in the plain, the simplest pure happiness.
Under the pressure of busy official business, dark officialdom and heavy hope, too many people have been reduced to material slaves. Everything is clearly priced. People gradually forget the true meaning of happiness and devote themselves to the big society with the smell of cold copper.
As a comic book says: "later, even freedom began to be forgotten."
It is not hard to imagine how sad the author of that book was when he wrote this sentence.
Living in the square lights of the building, is this happiness?
Working nine to five every day just to save money to buy a house, is that happiness?
Is it happiness to be willing to sacrifice your weekend time and work constantly for your performance?
Is it happiness to lose simplicity, freedom and innocence?
The old poem says: "life is precious, love is more valuable. If it is freedom, both can be thrown away." Is that true happiness? If it is, then we can put aside all the heavy shackles that we are carrying. Because, in this poem, there is not a word about material.
Happiness does not exist in material, no matter how beautiful the flowers will wither, what really exists is the good mood when enjoying the flowers.
Seeing an article, the heroine said, "I prefer clover. Its very similar to me. Ive been happy, Ive expected, Ive even loved, but Ive never been happy. "
In fact, happiness is around. Its just that many people cant see it.
In fact, as long as live, love, freedom, is the simplest happiness.
This is also, the greatest happiness.
幸福的定义英文作文 篇4
Everyone has different definitions of happiness. Some people may think that having a happy family is happiness. Having friends, happiness and no worries are all happiness. So for me, what is happiness?
Happiness, as far as Im concerned, is a kind of happiness with food, clothing and parents. Every time I hear the older generation talk about their childhood, their expressions always show a little sadness. At that time, they were still in the agricultural society. However, there were so many children born in ordinary families that they could eat well and dress well. They didnt dare to ask for anything more. Back to the real life, most people can meet the basic requirements now, and I dont have to worry about food and clothing. This is simply happiness.
Sometimes I see that there are many single parent families or helpless orphans in the magazines. Their existence always makes me deeply feel how happy my parents are. At least some people will care about you and love you, rather than no one will pay attention to you and care about you. Without my parents, I dont feel how lonely and hard it is, so Im very glad, at least Im happy at the moment.
The definition of happiness can be simple or complex. It all depends on your own views and feelings. I think a simple thing is a kind of happiness. I dont need to be too complicated. I naturally feel the ordinary people, things and things around me with my heart. This is my happiness formula.
幸福的定义英文作文 篇5
My definition of happiness is not desire happiness, but bring people warm happiness.
Warm happiness is the love and care given to you by your family, or the feeling that someone cares when your friends see that you need help. The warmth of my family and friends, both of which are the driving force for me to continue to work hard, also bring me joy. My family and friends share the same happy memories with me. They always give me a helping hand when I am sad and in need, and my family supports me and encourages me to choose the things I love, which makes me feel very, very warm.
If I choose the happiness of desire, maybe my definition of happiness will be greatly changed. Desire may be to fill everything I want in my heart, but it is not happiness. Happiness should bring you enrichment, care, love and warmth. Having these is the real happiness.
Happiness is the starting point for a better start. If you dont feel better, it may be that the happiness around you and me is not enough, so try your best to feel the happiness that can bring you. Although I dont feel as much happiness as others, I dont need to compare how much happiness I have with others. As long as I can feel the beauty, I am happy.
Happiness is not only happiness, for me, it is a very important friend, it let me know that people are not alone, have family and friends will help me through difficulties and tests, they will also bring me happiness that I never feel. And my happiness also hope to bring to the people in need, even if I have not enough happiness, but I will not give up, continue to work hard to bring happiness to everyone.
Three hundred years ago,the emigrants from England arrived at Maryland acrossing the Atlantic by "May Flower" to search for a "pure"land for the puritans to live.Since then American Dream has come up.America gives every person all over the world equal rights.people can achieve their dreams by hardworking.
Three hundred years later,this country has become a rich state.However,American Dream doesn't fade away.With the development of the history,it has many meanings today.What is the American Dream?different people hold different interpretations.but at any rate,American Dream contains several factors below:America offers every person an opportunity to succeed;Success depends on one's ability and effort regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position;Every person has equal rights;Every person has free belief.
When it comes to the 21st century-the information age,Bill Gates's success indicated that only if you have wisdom and talent,you can succeed in America.But American Dream has changed,compared with its original meanings.What's the true motivation behind American Dream?Some historians considered it the thirst for wealth .Pursuing money is the eternal theme of American Dream.However,the over pursuit of wealth makes American Dream turn bad and lost its attraction to people worldwide gradually.
As the changes of the times,the influence of American Dream may become less and less.An increasing number of people confess to having lost faith in the American Dream.
What Is American Dream?
What is the American Dream? Is it the same for all Americans? Is it a myth? Is it simply a search for a better life? How has the American Dream changed over time? Some see their dreams wither and die while others see their dreams fulfilled. Why? Everyone has dreams abut a personally fulfilled life... and what is your dream?
The term American Dream was first used by James Adams in his book The Epic of America which was written in 1931. He states: The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown tired and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to get to the fullest stature of which they are capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position."
In the united States' Declaration of Independence, our founding fathers state: "... all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." Might this view be considered the foundation of the American Dream?
Were homesteaders who left the big cities of the east to find happiness and their piece of land in the unknown wilderness of the west pursuing these Rights? Were the immigrants who came to the United States looking for their bit of life, liberty, happiness and their Dream? And what did the desire of the veteran of World War II—to settle down, to have a home, a car and a family—tell us about this Dream? Is the American Dream attainable by all Americans? Would Martin Luther King feel his Dream was attained? Did Malcolm X realize his Dream?
Some say, that the American Dream has become the pursuit of material prosperity—that people work more hours to get bigger cars, fancier homes, the fruits of prosperity for their families—but have less time to enjoy their prosperity. Others say that the American Dream is beyond the reach of the working poor who must work two jobs for their family's survival. Yet others look toward a new American Dream with less focus on financial gain and more emphasis on living a simple, fulfilling life.