
时间: 2022-12-05 句子 我要投稿 人气:



For college students to do a part-time job will broaden their outlook

打工使大学生开阔了眼界。Good novels broaden your horizons.

好小说开阔人的眼界。He is rather too parochial in his outlook.

他的眼界未免过于狭隘了.One weakness is the book's scope.

这本书的一大不足是其眼界。Education and experience broaden his vision and understanding

教育和经历使他眼界开阔。He is rather too parochial in his outlook

他的眼界未免过於狭隘了With a narrow vision and a petty mind, one would become a small people.

眼界小了,心胸小了,人也就自然变得小里小气。The new leading bodies we are about to form should be farsighted and broad-minded.

我们组成的这个新的领导机构,眼界要非常宽阔,胸襟要非常宽阔Under their influence, the horizons sprung wide and fear went away and the unknown became knowable.

在他们的影响下,我的眼界豁然开朗,忧虑消失了,未知变成了可知。Traveling with the bands was a broadening experience for the musicians, who were usually self-taught


n. 知识范围,理解范围;视野

Ken took a long slug of scotch.

肯喝了一大口苏格兰威士忌酒。This ship came within our ken.

该船已驶入了我们视野之内。A new planet swims into his ken.

有一颗新行星闯入了他的视野。Ken began to lament the death of his only son.

肯开始对独子的死悲痛不已。Ken is a sweet piece of man candy, Debbie has to be told that looks are not everything.


n. 机会,余地;范围,领域;眼界,见识;望远镜

Beyond the scope

越出范围 But there is plenty of scope at that level.

然而在此水平上还是有足够的余地。He is a man of limited scope.

他是一个见地狭窄的人。 envelope wide-scope

包迹宽带示波器 Limited in area or scope; cramped.



I'm not in a sociable mood.

我没兴致与人交往。The pleasures of sunbathing began to pall after a week on the beach

我们在沙滩待了一周之后,对日光浴已兴致大减I became completely uninterested in my upcoming graduation, the senior-class play and the prom.

我因此对即将到来的`毕业典礼、高年级演出和班级舞会完全没了兴致。Indulgence of every whim.

放纵于每个兴致Their spirits were in general exhausted.

他们都兴致已尽。The pleasures of sunbathing began to pall after a week on the beach.

我们在沙滩待了一周之后,对日光浴已兴致大减。Some countries in Southeast Asia are full of enthusiasm for development and may move ahead of us.

东南亚一些国家兴致很高,有可能走到我们前面。Their spirited quarrel spoiled the fun and we all felt spiritless.

他们激烈的争吵破坏了兴致,我们都感到情绪低落。 I am not in the mood for a victory parade. We aren't at the end yet.

我现在没有兴致搞凯旋阅兵式,大功尚未告成。But in proportion as his youth disappeared, gayety was kindled


n. 兴趣;趣味;利息;利益;产权;利害关系;行业;势力

v. 使感兴趣;使参与

Interest will not lie.

兴趣不会说谎。He had both fractional interests and majority interests.

他兼有零星的股权和大宗股权。He had both fractional interests and majority interests

他兼有零星的股权和大宗股权。His interesting lecture revived my interests in volcanology.

他那个有意思的讲座重新燃起我对火山学的兴趣。coordinate immediate interests with long-term interests.


(n) consideration; thoughtfulness; ability to be considerate

social grace; ability to see how to treat others

(NOT mind's eye)


To lay all one’s cards on the table

心眼明亮"When anger Blinds the mind, truth disapears"

怒火中烧瞎心眼,真理在前看不见He is honest and trustworthy.

他的心眼挺实在,完全可以信赖。kraft was a skinny, harmless kid from Pennsylvania

克拉夫特是宾夕法尼亚卅来的一个瘦骨嶙峋,没有心眼的小伙子。So now with a radiant glance at him she complied. Soon she was back again with a cup of tea.

"今智能见了秦钟,心眼俱开,走去倒了茶来"When desire blinds the mind with delusion and dust, O, thou holy one, thou wakeful, come with thy light and thy thunder


n. 考虑;原因;关心;报酬;尊敬

The buyer of a CNC turning center may or may not have the warranty to consider in the purchase but will make other considerations.

计算机数控切削中心的购买者也许会考虑该切削中心有无保修证书,也许不考虑这一点,但他总会有各个方面的考虑。Moreover, trial judges who are reversed in civil appeals and administrators who have had their decisions remanded by the courts for further consideration are not considered incapable of giving fair and impartial consideration to the merits of the case.

此外,人们并不认为,在民事上诉中其裁定被推翻的法官和其裁定被法院发回重审的行政官员没有能力公正和无偏袒地考虑案件的是非曲直。 I should like to ask you to think this over and take it into consideration when drafting the basic law. You should also consider a few other things.


n. 思虑;体贴

There was distraction in the thought.

这个念头真令人心乱如麻。Knowledge is a servant of thought, and thought is a satellite of feeling.

知识是想法的仆人,想法又是感受的随从。The thought of the prize was the spur for the team.

夺取锦标的思想是该队的动力。 ability是什么意思:

n. 能力,力量

Prerequisite: Ability to use telekinesis as a supernatural ability.

先决条件:能以超自然能力使用心灵遥控能力。The ability of bacteria to be genetically transformable.

遗传力细菌的遗传性转化的能力。lacking the ability needed;incapable
