1808, from French acétique "pertaining to vinegar," from Latin acetum "vinegar" (properly vinum acetum "wine turned sour;" see vinegar), originally past participle of acere "be sour," related to acer "sharp" (see acrid).
1. Suffice it to say that the unusually high boiling point of acetic acid.
2. Acetic acid is formed as an intermediate in the anaerobic fermentation of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
醋酸是碳水化合物, 蛋白质和脂肪在厌氧发酵时所形成的中间体.
3. The existing bromine in acetic acid could aggravate corrosion on metal hole.
1808, from French acétique "pertaining to vinegar," from Latin acetum "vinegar" (properly vinum acetum "wine turned sour;" see vinegar), originally past participle of acere "be sour," related to acer "sharp" (see acrid).
1. Suffice it to say that the unusually high boiling point of acetic acid.
2. Acetic acid is formed as an intermediate in the anaerobic fermentation of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
醋酸是碳水化合物, 蛋白质和脂肪在厌氧发酵时所形成的中间体.
3. The existing bromine in acetic acid could aggravate corrosion on metal hole.