alpaca: [18] English gets the term alpaca (for a South American animal related to the llama) from Spanish, which in turn got it from alpako, the word for the animal in the Aymara language of Bolivia and Peru. Alpako was a derivative of the adjective pako ‘reddish-brown’, a reference to the colour of the animal’s hair.
alpaca (n.)
1792, from Spanish alpaca, probably from Aymara allpaca, related to Quechua p'ake "yellowish-red." The al- is perhaps from influence of Arabic definite article (see almond). Attested in English from 1753 in the form pacos.
1. The pathological findings of a alpaca died of illness was observed.
2. Artiodactyla Camelidae non - humped camel ( alpaca ) 1 species of the genus.
偶蹄目骆驼科无峰驼 ( 羊驼 ) 属的1种.
3. The genetic relationship was inspected on Alpaca individuals by RAPD.
alpaca: [18] English gets the term alpaca (for a South American animal related to the llama) from Spanish, which in turn got it from alpako, the word for the animal in the Aymara language of Bolivia and Peru. Alpako was a derivative of the adjective pako ‘reddish-brown’, a reference to the colour of the animal’s hair.
alpaca (n.)
1792, from Spanish alpaca, probably from Aymara allpaca, related to Quechua p'ake "yellowish-red." The al- is perhaps from influence of Arabic definite article (see almond). Attested in English from 1753 in the form pacos.
1. The pathological findings of a alpaca died of illness was observed.
2. Artiodactyla Camelidae non - humped camel ( alpaca ) 1 species of the genus.
偶蹄目骆驼科无峰驼 ( 羊驼 ) 属的1种.
3. The genetic relationship was inspected on Alpaca individuals by RAPD.