"automaton resembling a human being," 1837, in early use often in reference to automated chess players, from Modern Latin androides (itself attested as a Latin word in English from 1727), from Greek andro- "male" (see andro-) + -eides "form, shape" (see -oid). Greek androdes meant "like a man, manly;" compare also Greek andrias "image of a man, statue." Listed as "rare" in OED 1st edition (1879), popularized from c. 1951 by science fiction writers.
1. If you want an Android phone right now, get a Nexus One.
如果你想现在入手一台Android手机, 买NexusOne吧.
2. Motorola this month likewise un - veiled its first Android - powered smartphone.
3. Dell's first smartphone, for example, will run on the Android platform.
例如, 戴尔的首款智能手机将运行Android操作系统.
4. I have extensively tested nearly all Android phones to date.
5. Android is already closing the gap with the market leader.
"automaton resembling a human being," 1837, in early use often in reference to automated chess players, from Modern Latin androides (itself attested as a Latin word in English from 1727), from Greek andro- "male" (see andro-) + -eides "form, shape" (see -oid). Greek androdes meant "like a man, manly;" compare also Greek andrias "image of a man, statue." Listed as "rare" in OED 1st edition (1879), popularized from c. 1951 by science fiction writers.
1. If you want an Android phone right now, get a Nexus One.
如果你想现在入手一台Android手机, 买NexusOne吧.
2. Motorola this month likewise un - veiled its first Android - powered smartphone.
3. Dell's first smartphone, for example, will run on the Android platform.
例如, 戴尔的首款智能手机将运行Android操作系统.
4. I have extensively tested nearly all Android phones to date.
5. Android is already closing the gap with the market leader.