1838, "anything large; a man of great strength," American English slang (originally Missouri/Arkansas), perhaps meaning something that takes one's breath away and an agent noun from bust (v.). Around the same years, buster (as an extended form of bust (n.)) also meant "a frolic, a spree." Hence "a roistering blade" (OED; probably not the favored definition in old Missouri and Arkansas), attested from 1850. As a generic or playful address to a male, from 1948, American English. Meaning "horse-breaker" is from 1891, American English; hence back-formed verb bust (v.) "break a horse."
1. Hoover was building his reputation as a crime-buster.
2. Make with the beers, buster!
伙计, 拿啤酒来!
3. Yo, Mike Tyson was round when he fought Buster Douglas.
唷, 迈克·泰森对抗巴斯特·道格拉斯的时候也很丰满.
4. I'm Buster Venable, Amanda's nephew.
我是布斯特·文纳伯, 阿曼达的侄子.
5. The Tank buster IFV is a rapid fire , anti - tank vehicle.
1838, "anything large; a man of great strength," American English slang (originally Missouri/Arkansas), perhaps meaning something that takes one's breath away and an agent noun from bust (v.). Around the same years, buster (as an extended form of bust (n.)) also meant "a frolic, a spree." Hence "a roistering blade" (OED; probably not the favored definition in old Missouri and Arkansas), attested from 1850. As a generic or playful address to a male, from 1948, American English. Meaning "horse-breaker" is from 1891, American English; hence back-formed verb bust (v.) "break a horse."
1. Hoover was building his reputation as a crime-buster.
2. Make with the beers, buster!
伙计, 拿啤酒来!
3. Yo, Mike Tyson was round when he fought Buster Douglas.
唷, 迈克·泰森对抗巴斯特·道格拉斯的时候也很丰满.
4. I'm Buster Venable, Amanda's nephew.
我是布斯特·文纳伯, 阿曼达的侄子.
5. The Tank buster IFV is a rapid fire , anti - tank vehicle.