surname, from early 16c., earlier Cocks (c. 1300), in many cases from cock (n.1), which apparently was used as a personal name in Old English, also as a familiar term for a boy, later used of apprentices, servants, etc. Perhaps in some cases for the sign of an inn. In some cases perhaps from cook (n.), or Welsh coch "red."
1. Tony Cox on drums
2. Through immunohistochemistry, the expression of COX - 2 is positive in ICP placenta, negative in NLP.
COX -2 在ICP胎盘组织中表达呈阳性, 可能与胎盘血管的病理生理改变有关.
3. Result: The positive rate of COX - 2 protein expression was 61.67 % in NPC tissues.
结果: COX -2 在NPC中 总的阳性表达率为61.67%.
4. COX - 2 can become assistant biology index of estimating malignancy.
COX -2 可以作为判断脑胶质瘤恶性度的辅助生物学指标.
5. Objective To sump up and extend COX regression model with categorical variables.
surname, from early 16c., earlier Cocks (c. 1300), in many cases from cock (n.1), which apparently was used as a personal name in Old English, also as a familiar term for a boy, later used of apprentices, servants, etc. Perhaps in some cases for the sign of an inn. In some cases perhaps from cook (n.), or Welsh coch "red."
1. Tony Cox on drums
2. Through immunohistochemistry, the expression of COX - 2 is positive in ICP placenta, negative in NLP.
COX -2 在ICP胎盘组织中表达呈阳性, 可能与胎盘血管的病理生理改变有关.
3. Result: The positive rate of COX - 2 protein expression was 61.67 % in NPC tissues.
结果: COX -2 在NPC中 总的阳性表达率为61.67%.
4. COX - 2 can become assistant biology index of estimating malignancy.
COX -2 可以作为判断脑胶质瘤恶性度的辅助生物学指标.
5. Objective To sump up and extend COX regression model with categorical variables.