1640s, "made by or resulting from art, artificial," from Latin facticius/factitius "artificial," from factus "elaborate, artistic," past participle adjective from facere "to make, do; perform; bring about; endure, suffer; behave; suit, be of service" (source of French faire, Spanish hacer), from PIE root *dhe- "to put, to set, to do" (cognates: Sanskrit dadhati "puts, places;" Avestan dadaiti "he puts;" Old Persian ada "he made;" Hittite dai- "to place;" Greek tithenai "to put, set, place;" Lithuanian deti "to put;" Polish dziać się "to be happening;" Russian delat' "to do;" Old High German tuon, German tun, Old Saxon, Old English don "to do;" Old Frisian dua, Old Swedish duon, Gothic gadeths "a doing;" Old Norse dalidun "they did"). Related: Factitiously; factitiousness.
1. Extensive advertising can cause a factitious demand for an article.
2. When factitious what has is the meeting special brokenhearted?
人为什么有的时候会特别的没有精神 呢 ?
3. How does the person make true joy? Factitious what and living?
人怎么才叫真的快乐? 人为什么而活着 呢 ?
4. Factitious what is occasionally is affection respect late blunt?
5. Factitious what can have sadness, sadness from why and come?
1640s, "made by or resulting from art, artificial," from Latin facticius/factitius "artificial," from factus "elaborate, artistic," past participle adjective from facere "to make, do; perform; bring about; endure, suffer; behave; suit, be of service" (source of French faire, Spanish hacer), from PIE root *dhe- "to put, to set, to do" (cognates: Sanskrit dadhati "puts, places;" Avestan dadaiti "he puts;" Old Persian ada "he made;" Hittite dai- "to place;" Greek tithenai "to put, set, place;" Lithuanian deti "to put;" Polish dziać się "to be happening;" Russian delat' "to do;" Old High German tuon, German tun, Old Saxon, Old English don "to do;" Old Frisian dua, Old Swedish duon, Gothic gadeths "a doing;" Old Norse dalidun "they did"). Related: Factitiously; factitiousness.
1. Extensive advertising can cause a factitious demand for an article.
2. When factitious what has is the meeting special brokenhearted?
人为什么有的时候会特别的没有精神 呢 ?
3. How does the person make true joy? Factitious what and living?
人怎么才叫真的快乐? 人为什么而活着 呢 ?
4. Factitious what is occasionally is affection respect late blunt?
5. Factitious what can have sadness, sadness from why and come?