2. 长篇指责性演说,象“海浪”一样,滔滔不绝。
3. 谐音“好long”-----讲了好长时间的话。
4. har- "crowd, army" + ring => harang- + -ue => harangue (literally, "a large group of people crowded round").
5. ring => *hring => *haring- => *harang- + -ue => harangue.
6. with the idea of 'addressing' them only developing later.
7. harbour, harbinger, harness <====> harangue.
harangue: [15] The original notion underlying harangue may have been of a large group of people crowded round, with the idea of ‘addressing’ them only developing later. The word comes via Old French harangue from medieval Latin harenga, and it has been speculated that this was perhaps acquired from a prehistoric Germanic *kharikhring- ‘assembly’, a compound of *kharjaz ‘crowd’ (source of English harbinger, harbour, harry, and herald and related to harness) and *khringaz ‘ring’. => harbinger, harbour, harness, harry, herald
harangue (n.)
mid-15c., arang, Scottish (in English from c. 1600), from Middle French harangue "a public address" (14c.), from Old Italian aringo "public square, platform; pulpit; arena," from a Germanic source such as Old High German hring "circle" (see ring (n.1)) on the notion of "circular gathering," with an -a- inserted to ease Romanic pronunciation of Germanic hr- (compare hamper (n.1)). But Watkins and Barnhart suggest a Germanic compound, *harihring "circular gathering, assembly," literally "host-ring, army-ring," with first element *hari- "war-band, host" (see harry (v.)). From the same Germanic "ring" root via Romanic come rank (n.), range (v.), arrange.
harangue (v.)
1650s, from French haranguer (15c.), from Middle French harangue (see harangue (n.)). Related: Harangued; haranguing.
1. Unfortunately, no questions from the audience broke the continuity of his harangue.
令人遗憾的是, 没有听众提出问题来打断他的高谈阔论.
2. Fourth Master Liu's harangue rankled in each heart.
来自汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子
3. On and on the harangue went , an endless sport.
无休止的慷慨激昂, 无休止的戏谑挖苦.
4. The minister of propaganda delivered his usual harangue.
5. We had to listen to a long harangue about our own shortcomings.
2. 长篇指责性演说,象“海浪”一样,滔滔不绝。
3. 谐音“好long”-----讲了好长时间的话。
4. har- "crowd, army" + ring => harang- + -ue => harangue (literally, "a large group of people crowded round").
5. ring => *hring => *haring- => *harang- + -ue => harangue.
6. with the idea of 'addressing' them only developing later.
7. harbour, harbinger, harness <====> harangue.
harangue: [15] The original notion underlying harangue may have been of a large group of people crowded round, with the idea of ‘addressing’ them only developing later. The word comes via Old French harangue from medieval Latin harenga, and it has been speculated that this was perhaps acquired from a prehistoric Germanic *kharikhring- ‘assembly’, a compound of *kharjaz ‘crowd’ (source of English harbinger, harbour, harry, and herald and related to harness) and *khringaz ‘ring’. => harbinger, harbour, harness, harry, herald
harangue (n.)
mid-15c., arang, Scottish (in English from c. 1600), from Middle French harangue "a public address" (14c.), from Old Italian aringo "public square, platform; pulpit; arena," from a Germanic source such as Old High German hring "circle" (see ring (n.1)) on the notion of "circular gathering," with an -a- inserted to ease Romanic pronunciation of Germanic hr- (compare hamper (n.1)). But Watkins and Barnhart suggest a Germanic compound, *harihring "circular gathering, assembly," literally "host-ring, army-ring," with first element *hari- "war-band, host" (see harry (v.)). From the same Germanic "ring" root via Romanic come rank (n.), range (v.), arrange.
harangue (v.)
1650s, from French haranguer (15c.), from Middle French harangue (see harangue (n.)). Related: Harangued; haranguing.
1. Unfortunately, no questions from the audience broke the continuity of his harangue.
令人遗憾的是, 没有听众提出问题来打断他的高谈阔论.
2. Fourth Master Liu's harangue rankled in each heart.
来自汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子
3. On and on the harangue went , an endless sport.
无休止的慷慨激昂, 无休止的戏谑挖苦.
4. The minister of propaganda delivered his usual harangue.
5. We had to listen to a long harangue about our own shortcomings.