1. French gentil was reborrowed into English as genteel, in which again connotations of good breeding figure highly. Attempts at a French accent resulted ultimately in jaunty, which originally meant 'wellbred' or 'elegant'.
2. Form reflects attempt to render the French pronunciation of gentil.
1660s, "elegant, stylish," from French gentil "nice, pleasing," in Old French "noble" (see gentle). Form reflects attempt to render the French pronunciation of gentil. Meaning "easy and sprightly in manner" first attested 1670s. Related: Jauntily; jauntiness.
1. She cocked her hat at a jaunty angle.
2. The happy boy walked with jaunty steps.
3. "Whoa, I'm goin" to Barbay-dos!' ran the jaunty lyrics of a 1970s hit song.
4. His full mustache curled upward in a jaunty, arrogant way.
1. French gentil was reborrowed into English as genteel, in which again connotations of good breeding figure highly. Attempts at a French accent resulted ultimately in jaunty, which originally meant 'wellbred' or 'elegant'.
2. Form reflects attempt to render the French pronunciation of gentil.
1660s, "elegant, stylish," from French gentil "nice, pleasing," in Old French "noble" (see gentle). Form reflects attempt to render the French pronunciation of gentil. Meaning "easy and sprightly in manner" first attested 1670s. Related: Jauntily; jauntiness.
1. She cocked her hat at a jaunty angle.
2. The happy boy walked with jaunty steps.
3. "Whoa, I'm goin" to Barbay-dos!' ran the jaunty lyrics of a 1970s hit song.
4. His full mustache curled upward in a jaunty, arrogant way.