c. 1300, "an authoritative direction, decree, or command" (narrower or more transitory than a law), from Old French ordenance (Modern French ordonnance) or directly from Medieval Latin ordinantia, from Latin ordinantem (nominative ordinans), present participle of ordinare "put in order" (see ordain). By early 14c. senses had emerged of "arrangement in ranks or rows" (especially in order of battle), also "warlike provisions, equipment" (a sense now in ordnance).
1. Judging the legality of the ordinance is within the province of the courts.
2. The French Foreign Legion was founded by a Royal Ordinance, written on a small piece of official Prench War Office notepaper dated March 9 th, 1931.
c. 1300, "an authoritative direction, decree, or command" (narrower or more transitory than a law), from Old French ordenance (Modern French ordonnance) or directly from Medieval Latin ordinantia, from Latin ordinantem (nominative ordinans), present participle of ordinare "put in order" (see ordain). By early 14c. senses had emerged of "arrangement in ranks or rows" (especially in order of battle), also "warlike provisions, equipment" (a sense now in ordnance).
1. Judging the legality of the ordinance is within the province of the courts.
2. The French Foreign Legion was founded by a Royal Ordinance, written on a small piece of official Prench War Office notepaper dated March 9 th, 1931.