voice: [13] Voice comes via Old French vois from Latin vōx ‘voice’, whose other contributions to English include vocal [14], vociferous [17], and vowel. Its ultimate source is the Indo-European base *wek- ‘speak, say’, which also produced Latin vocāre ‘call’, ancestor of English vocabulary, vocation, etc. => vocal, vocation, vociferous, vowel
voice (n.)
late 13c., "sound made by the human mouth," from Old French voiz "voice, speech; word, saying, rumor, report" (Modern French voix), from Latin vocem (nominative vox) "voice, sound, utterance, cry, call, speech, sentence, language, word" (source also of Italian voce, Spanish voz), related to vocare "to call," from PIE root *wekw- "give vocal utterance, speak" (cognates: Sanskrit vakti "speaks, says," vacas- "word;" Avestan vac- "speak, say;" Greek eipon (aorist) "spoke, said," epos "word;" Old Prussian wackis "cry;" German er-wähnen "to mention").
Replaced Old English stefn. Meaning "ability in a singer" is first attested c. 1600. Meaning "expression of feeling, etc." (in reference to groups of people, etc., such as Voice of America) is recorded from late 14c. Meaning "invisible spirit or force that directs or suggests" (especially in the context of insanity, as in hear voices in (one's) head) is from 1911.
voice (v.)
mid-15c., "to be commonly said," from voice (n.). From c. 1600 as "to express, give utterance to" (a feeling, opinion, etc.); from 1867 as "utter (a letter-sound) with the vocal cords." Related: Voiced; voicing.
1. His voice was harsh as he enunciated each word carefully.
2. She's got a great voice and is singing better than ever.
3. It was just an ordinary voice, but he sang in tune.
4. I answered the phone and this voice went, "Hello? Is that Alison?"
5. Rose heard the familiar voice, but tuned out the words.
voice: [13] Voice comes via Old French vois from Latin vōx ‘voice’, whose other contributions to English include vocal [14], vociferous [17], and vowel. Its ultimate source is the Indo-European base *wek- ‘speak, say’, which also produced Latin vocāre ‘call’, ancestor of English vocabulary, vocation, etc. => vocal, vocation, vociferous, vowel
voice (n.)
late 13c., "sound made by the human mouth," from Old French voiz "voice, speech; word, saying, rumor, report" (Modern French voix), from Latin vocem (nominative vox) "voice, sound, utterance, cry, call, speech, sentence, language, word" (source also of Italian voce, Spanish voz), related to vocare "to call," from PIE root *wekw- "give vocal utterance, speak" (cognates: Sanskrit vakti "speaks, says," vacas- "word;" Avestan vac- "speak, say;" Greek eipon (aorist) "spoke, said," epos "word;" Old Prussian wackis "cry;" German er-wähnen "to mention").
Replaced Old English stefn. Meaning "ability in a singer" is first attested c. 1600. Meaning "expression of feeling, etc." (in reference to groups of people, etc., such as Voice of America) is recorded from late 14c. Meaning "invisible spirit or force that directs or suggests" (especially in the context of insanity, as in hear voices in (one's) head) is from 1911.
voice (v.)
mid-15c., "to be commonly said," from voice (n.). From c. 1600 as "to express, give utterance to" (a feeling, opinion, etc.); from 1867 as "utter (a letter-sound) with the vocal cords." Related: Voiced; voicing.
1. His voice was harsh as he enunciated each word carefully.
2. She's got a great voice and is singing better than ever.
3. It was just an ordinary voice, but he sang in tune.
4. I answered the phone and this voice went, "Hello? Is that Alison?"
5. Rose heard the familiar voice, but tuned out the words.