1. I just had a super-duper meal in the resturant.
Super-duper 是一种加强语法的说法, 程度上比 Super 还要再高一级. 比方说我要跟老美说我的网页有多棒, 我就可以说, Welcome to my super-duper website! 所以建议一下综艺节目 Super Suday 改名成 Super-duper sunday 可能会有助于收视率的提升.
2. I can't believe you said this is a tiny-little mistake.
跟 Super-duper 正好对等, 当你要特别强调某件东西很小很小时, 就可以用 tiny-little 来形容. 比方说蚂蚁好了, 你就可以用 tiny-little 来形容, 例如: Hey! Look at those tiny-little creatures. 不过我最常听到的 tiny-little 多半是跟 mistake 连用. 一个人为了强调自己犯的错其实没什么大不了的, 就可以说 It is just a tiny-little mistake.
3. Stick and stone.
4. I will never ever do it again.
这句话其实光说 I will never do it again 也就可以了, 但是为了强调这个 never, 他们老美喜欢说成, I will never ever do it again. 表示从今以后绝不会再犯. 有次跟几个老美相约出去玩, 结果有人迟到, 他就拼命地说, Sorry, I will never ever do it again.
5. Okey-Dokey /'oki'doki/
好, 没问题.
okey-dokey 跟我们平常口语上常用的 OK 是一模一样的, 但不知为什么理由, 或许是为了强调吧, 有些人就喜欢说成 okey-dokey. 另外有一点值得一提, 有些人觉的 OK 还不够省略, 它们就只说 K. 有一次在网路上跟一个老美聊天, 他一直跟我说 K 我觉的很奇怪, 后来我问别人才知道 K 就是 OK. 的意思.
6. She is willy-nilly.
Willy-nilly 就是 will or not 的另一种说法, 所以当形容词用就是形容一个人一下子要 (will=willy) 一下子不要 (not=nilly) 但是这种说法其实蛮少用的, 还不见的每一个老美都会知道哩.
7. Drive on the parkway, Park on the driveway.
开在马路上, 停在停车道上.
这句话用中文感受不出它有意思的地方. 美国有很多公路都叫什么 parkway, 如 Atlanta 就有一条 Cobb parkway, 而自家院子都会有一条小路通往马路, 这条小路就叫 driveway, 如果没有车库, 老美就会把车停在 driveway 上. 有趣的是, park 原本是停车的意思, 所以 parkway 应该是停车的地方, 但实际上它却是行车的大马路, driveway 应该是开车的地方, 但却成了停车的小路. 有空的人可以去考考老美为什么他们这样命名.
8. Do you have the walkie-talkie?
Walkie-talkie 依照我们之前的经验, wakie-talkie 就是 walk and talk 的意思, 在大哥大还没有发现的年代里, 那种手提式的无线话机相信是很酷的吧, 但现在大家人手一只大哥大, walkie-talkie 似乎就没什么了.
9. See you later, alligator.
有一首歌就叫 See you later, alligator. Alligator 是指产在美国东南部一种很像鳄鱼但嘴巴较短的动物, 在这句话里 allegator 完全没有意思, 只是为了让整句话听起来较押韵而已. 所以这句话就只有 see you later 的意思.
10. In a while, crocodile.
如果人家说 See you later, alligator, 那你要怎么接话? 答案就是 In a while, crocodile. Crocodile 在这里指的就是鳄鱼, 所以这二句话对仗和押韵兼而有之, 赶紧学起来.
Humpty-dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty-dumpty had a great fall.
All the King's horses
And all the King's men
Can not put Humpty-dumpty together again.
Never give up,
Never lose hope.
Always have faith,
It allows you to cope.
Trying times will pass,
As they always do.
Just have patience,
Your dreams will come true.
So put on a smile,
You'll live through your pain.
Know it will pass,
And strength you will gain
I thought it boring
Do nothing I want
Trying and trying
I found it boring
I thought it interesting
Do what I want
Doing and doing
I found it exciting
If you want to keep positive
If you hate being negative
Just come down to my dream
And come down with a smile
It is my own world
I will show you the method
To be happy and positive
And say goodbye to negative
There has everything
Has all the happy thing
You just need to enjoy
And leave with a smile
Although you aren't here
With no my dreams there
Don't forget to smile
And never lose smile
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
How I wonder what you are!
My darling, my lover, my beautiful wife:
Marrying you has screwed up my life
I see your face when I am dreaming.
That's why I always wake up screaming.
Kind, intelligent, loving and hot;
This describes everything you are not.
Love may be beautiful, love may be bliss,
But I only slept with you 'cause I was pissed.
I thought that I could love no other
—that is until I met your other.
Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you.
But the roses are wilting, the violets are dead,the sugar bowl's empty and so is your head.
I want to feel your sweet emace;
But don't take that paper bag off your face.
I love your smile, your face, and your eyes
Damn, I'm good at telling lies!
My love, you take my eath away.
What have you stepped in to smell this way?
My feelings for you no words can tell,
Except for maybe “Go to hell.”
What inspired this amorous rhyme?
Two parts vodka, one part lime.