
时间: 2022-12-06 句子 我要投稿 人气:



We hand in hand, together to the end of the world.


Forever is a long, and I will always love you.


I need him like I need the air to breathe.


I hope that I do not do, can make you do better.


First love is unforgettable all one's life.


Love, if not all, then nothing.


Not afraid of you drop, just afraid of losing you.


Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain is empty.


Sometimes life is always very ironic. May be a turn around the world.


You are so pleasant that I don't love you.


Passionate love is a desire that cannot be suppressed.


When we move others stumbling block, perhaps it is paving the way for their.


If I used to love you half of the heart to learn, must become a learning tyrants.


I want to have a person to understand me, even if I did not say anything.


Love triumphs over everything. Love has no life, no limit and no death.


I hope you die than me, because I am afraid you are a person in this world alone.


There is a wall in your heart, you can see the heaven.


We are all single wings of the angel, only to embrace to fly.


Too many people have too good acting, but do not know in acting.


To think of a person, a voice. For the next place of acacia.


Often I can not doubt; without doubt, can often know each other.


Things once thought never forget one day will become unrecognizable.


It hurts just how outstanding.


The world is not a broken mirror joined together said, once lost, it will be lost forever.


The so-called love is just a funny game.


This Valentine is for the girl who stole my heart.


Brief is life, but love is long.


If there is a heavy, I would like to do my best to protect your first good.


The power of love can penetrate walls.


Holding the one you like, is the best feeling.


Love, is I tired of the game. Lonely, is the taste which I have been used to.


Quietly waiting for you for a long time, you did not come, I was used to waiting.


I pretend nothing, although I was mentally and physically exhausted.


Maturity is not the heart of the old, is still around laughing tears.


Love keeps the cold.


I would never give up, and you will never change until death.


If I have you in my future, I'm not afraid of anything else.


Is the eyes lost the direction or the heart of the light.


In fact, the most happy fairy tale world, however, and you spend years of fuel.


Sometimes as enduring as the universe, without This regret shall last for evermore.


Love is a war, I am afraid of hurting but you are not happy.


If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me.


First love: Shannon drops; boundless love: Marriage: quick to rinse the cup!


Finally I said I hate you. But I hate you that I love you.


I love you at first sight.


There are things we can't control, we have to control ourselves.


To love a person is difficult, to give up a person is really simple.


Boys can not handsome, but for a good wife that is a must!


This summer is warm and sunny, you give me the best interpretation.


May your love soar on the wings of a dove fly.

1、Wish you a happy new year and a good fortune in the coming year when we will share our happiness, think of our good friends, andour dreams come true!


2、Every day I miss you. It is a hard time for me to miss you but itis even harder not to do so. In such a contrary mood, I miss you deeply! A happy Valentines Day to you!


3、If living on the earth is a mission from the lord… living with youis the award of the lord.


4、Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.


5、Love is a chord in life, not a solo.


6、Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time,because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful. I miss you ,and miss you so mach.


7、Never stop smiling, not even when you're sad, some man fall in love with your smile.


8、Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.



I miss you when I am depressed, just as I miss the sunlight in winter; I miss you when I feel happy, just as I miss the shade inthe hot sun.


For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warmgreetings to my friends whom I miss so much.


I prefer having your accompanying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness.


It's you that led me out of the loneliness when I was lost in my mind.


Oh, How much I miss you! If the passionate refreshing breeze knows my heart, it can tell you that I miss you and care you for mylifes time. If graceful white cloud knows my heart, it can tellyou I love you and would be together with you forever.


You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not.


I want that my love to you will turn into bright sunlight so thatto warm your heart.


I miss you so deeply that my love just like a kite has broken its line and won't stop flying until it reaches you at last.


Thousand of time I have thought of you .My heart is going high intothe air and flying with my blessing towards you I don’t care loneliness. I am satisfied when you are happy and I am happy when Ithink of you!

18、Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.


19、For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warmgreetings to my friends whom I miss so much.


20、Because of you, I have happy; because of you, I have puzzled; because of you, I have injured; because of you, this life without any regrets.因为你,我曾经快乐;因为你,我曾经迷惑;因为你,我曾经受伤;因为有你,此生无悔。

21、Fool. Every time I hear you say don’t like you, I will be sad, anyway I just know that I have deep.傻瓜!每次听到你说不要去喜欢你之类的话,我都会心酸,不管怎么样我只知道我已经深。

22、Ginkgo biloba slowly through the fingers, the top of your handwriting. I stood in the rain, you are so far away, you know who will stand in your umbrella.银杏叶慢慢从指间滑落,上面有你的字迹。我站在雨中,离你是那么远,好想知道谁会站在你的伞边。

23、I carved the left hand, right hand says you, my heart is filled with love, when the palm of our hand, have mutual affinity, everyone will see -- I love you!左手刻着我,右手写着你,心中充满爱,当我们掌心相对,心心相印时,所有的人都会看到我爱你!

24、I heard that the meteor was one of two people to see, they can be said of a couple. Would you like to accompany me to see the meteor?我听说流星被两个相爱的人一起看到,他们就能白头偕老。你愿意陪我一起看流星吗?


1.I'm not myself 我烦透了

2、Don't bother me! 别烦我!

3、Give me five more minutes please。 再给我五分钟时间好吗?

4、How did you sleep? 你睡的怎么样?

5、Don't hog the bathroom! 别占着卫生间了!

6、Don't hog the shower. 别占着浴室了!

7、Don't hog my girlfriend. 别缠着我的女朋友了!

8、Get outta there! 快出来!

9、I will treat you 。 我请客。

10、What are you in the mood for? 你想吃什么?

11、Whois gonna drive? 谁来开车?

Who's driving?

12、You know what I mean? 你明白我的意思吗?

13、Could you run that by me again? 你能再说一遍吗?

14、So what you are trying to say is... 那么,你想说的是...

15、Whadja do last night? 昨晚你干嘛去了?

Whadja=What did you

16、Didja have a good time? 玩的开心吗?

didja=did you

17、Where wouldja like to go tonight? 今晚你想上哪儿?

Wouldja=Would you

18、I am running late. 我要迟到了。

19、I've gotta get outta here. 我得离开这儿了。

20、I've gotta catch the bus. 我要去赶公共汽车了。

21、gotta=got to wanna=want to gonna=going to

22、Yo__taxi! 嗨,出租车!

23、Where to ? (你)要去哪儿?

24、I want to go to... 我要到...地方去。

25、What do I owe you ? 我该付你多少钱?

26、Let me out here. 让我在这儿下车。

27、HI! What's up, buddy? 嗨! 还好吗?,伙计?

28、What'cha been doing? 这些日子在干什么呢?

What'cha=What have you

29、How ya' been? 这些日子过的怎么样?

HOw ya' been=How have you been?

30、I'm fine. 我很好。

31、Do I have any messages? 有人给我留言吗?

32、What's on the schedule for today? 今天有那些日程安排?

33、Has the boss come in yet? 老板来了吗?

34、Hello! This is Hogan,is William in? 你好! 我是Hogan,请问William 在吗?

35、May I take your message? He is not in. 他现在不在。我可以为你留言吗?

36、I'm really busy. Can I call you back later? 我现在真的很忙,我晚点给你打过去,行吗?

37、Thank you for your time,goodbye! 占用您的时间了,谢谢您。再见!

38、Are you doing anything tonight/this weekend/tomorrow? 你今晚/周末/明天有空吗?

39、If you are not busy tonight, would you like to go out with me? 如果你今晚有空的话,愿不愿意和我一起出去?

40、Mayby we can get together sometime. 也许今后我们有机会在一起。

41、You look beautiful tonight. 今晚你看上去真美啊!

42、I've really had a good time tonight. 今晚我过的很开心。

43、I'd like to see you again sometime. 希望能再见到你。

44、How was your day? 今天过的怎么样?

45、HOw are things at work? 今天工作进行的怎么样了?

46、How are things at the office? 今天在公司怎么样?

47、How are thing at school? 今天在学校(过的)怎么样?

48、You'll never believe what happened to me today at shool/work. 你永远也猜不到今天我在学校/工作中遇上了什么事!!

49、YOu look great! Have you been working out? 你气色真好,你经常锻炼吗?

50、I need to get back in shape我要减回到原来的身材。

51、What do you do for exercise? 你经常做写什么运动呀?

51、You are something else! 你真是出类拔萃!

52、YOu are out of sight! 你真优秀!

53、You rule! 你太牛了!

54、I've been studing/working my tail off! 我学习/工作太紧张了!

55、I've got to cram for a test tomorrow. 为了明天的考试,我得背多少东西呀!

56、Hey,How did your English test go? 嗨,你英语考的怎么样?

57、Wow! Holy cow! That's great! 哇噻!太好了!真棒!

58、oh! No! That's terrible! 噢,太糟糕了!

59、What the heck is that? 究竟是怎么一回事?

60、Hey,what the heck isgoing on? 嗨,究竟发生了什么事?

61、Darn it all! Gush! Darn it! 该死的!

62、Get to the point. 言归正传。

63、as a matter of fact 事实上

64、to get cold feet 吓的毛发直竖。

65、to give someone the cold shoulder 冷落某人

66、How did you say this word? 这个单词该怎么发音

67、I don't understand. 我不知道。

68、What's for breakfast? 早餐有些什么?

69、What do you ant to have for breakfast? 你早餐想吃什么?

70、Would you like some cofee,juice or milk? 你想喝咖啡、果汁或者牛奶?

71、step into my office 到我办公室来!

72、Can I see you in my office? 到我办公室来一下好吗?

73、Can I talk with you for a little while? 我能和您谈谈吗?

74、I am a little a bit busy right now,cn we talk later? 我现在比较忙,可不可以待会儿再谈?

75、Sure,no problem,right away! 没问题,马上就来!

76、What is it you wanted to talk to me about? 你想和我谈什么?

77、What is it? 你向谈什么?

78、Thank you very much for your time. 多谢您能抽空和我谈话。

79、Can you give me a hand? 能帮帮我吗?

80、Sure,no Porblem. 当然,没问题。

81、Now's a bad time. Can we do t later?


82、Thanks for the hand. 谢谢您帮忙!

83、Can I buy you a drink? 我能请您喝一杯吗?

84、This one's on me . 我请客。

85、I'll drink to that! 我同意!

86、Would you like another round? 想再喝一圈吗?

87、I've had a hard day. 我今天过的真糟糕。

88、I'm fed up with... 我实在难以忍受...

89、I'm sick and tired of ... 我受不了...

90、I've had it up to here with... 我真受不了...

91、I really wish... 我多么希望...

92、Catch you later,buddy! 再见,老兄!

93、Take care! 保重!

94、See ya' later!/See ya'!/Later! 再见!

95、再见的几种用法(在美国很流行哦) Adios! 西班牙语 Ciao! 意大利语 Au revoir! 法语

96、I didn't sleep a wink. 我简直没合过眼。

97、I slept like a log. 我睡的真沉!

98、My job is a nightmare. 我的工作(不好)真是噩梦啊!

99、Is your friend available? 你的朋友有男朋友吗?

100、Oh! She is already taken. 哦!她已经有男朋友了。